Better for your body and planet.
Designed to fit the width of your feet.
Reconnects your body with nature.
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"Our current lifestyles are making us and our planet sick."
This is a rallying cry to the movers and shakers, the tree huggers and change makers. There is a better way to live. It's time to regenerate our planet and our health, and let nature heal us. It starts with our feet.
The Challenge:
Current shoes disconnect us from nature and harm our bodies.
The Solution:
The closer people are to nature, the more they will protect it.
The natural world is the only real model of sustainability.
Barefoot footwear is regenerative to human health.
"Cramming your feet in a modern shoe - cushioned, narrow and rigid - negates its natural strength and function. Our feet are our foundation connecting us to the earth, they should not be compromised.