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Mind•ful : Conscious or aware of something.

Com•mu•ni•ty : People gathering for a common purpose.

 Rev•o•lu•tion : A forcible change in favor of a new system.

Connect to Apply Now

We have an exciting tech-road-map in front of us that's already underway. Join a team of expert entrepreneurs & advisors from LinkedIn & Shopify, as we strategize & build a world-changing platform.


Image by Markus Spiske

Help us create & share mindful content across our social channels - currently Instagram & Facebook, & soon to expand. We're seeking someone experienced & creative when it comes to content creation, aesthetics, & organization.

Social Media Marketer

Create & manage the platform UI/UX with us as well as assist in our content creation for social, emails, & ads. Design is at the top of our priority list - positive & high-end FEELS for people to be inspired + drawn to experience all of the resources & elements the platforms offers. 

Designer - UI / UX / Graphics 

Write inspiring features for the forthcoming VIBEUP "Library of Conscious Consumption" & edit text throughout the UX. The Library features People, Practices, Products, & Resources to help others on the path. We have a list of topics ready AND want your input. 

Copywriter + Editor

Help create & share mindful content with our existing Community, & help grow it. To start we envision monthly & ad-hoc newsletters, & automated emails to support members throughout their experience. We're seeking someone experienced in EMS with a knack for detail & process.

Email Marketer

Manage digital campaigns with content created with our marketing teams. There is a thirst for a platform that sparks mindfulness, & with your help, we'll introduce 1,000s to the new platform. We're seeking someone experienced with digital ads & excited to grow the community together. 

Digital Marketer

Have experience creating online courses & curriculum? We have so much information at our fingertips to share in support of peoples introduction to the VIBEUP lifestyle & a variety of mindful topics. Help us create free & paid courses.

Course Creator


Do you see the vision and want to help co-create it?
We're looking for positive, autonomous, experienced leaders, who can work remote & help us build the foundation.

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