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Mindful : To be conscious or aware of something.

Com•mu•ni•ty : People gathering for a common purpose.

Rev•o•lu•tion : A forcible change in favor of a new system.

A Platform that requires action : WE are the CHANGE

A Mindful Library of Conscious Consumption

Each Feature invites action. Features added weekly.


Dr. Michael Cotton: An integral metatheorist proving we can consciously evolve.


  • Doctor Cotton provides the context, experience, and path to increase your consciousness, rooted in science backed data and replicable practices.

  • Learn a contextual foundation of irrefutable history to share an understanding with the whole community that is VIBING UP.

  • VIBEUP team and Founder have experienced first hand these effects, and have not discovered a better service to connect with Source and ascend consciousness

Michael has multiple brands and movements helping:

  • Higher Brain Living: This is where it starts; understanding humans evolutionary history and using your higher brain to awaken.

  • Source Code Meditation: The meditation practice and programs that combined with daily practice and team, increase consciousness.

  • The New Human University: The research facility, group, and community proving the process.


By changing your ‘brain first’ you can supercharge meditation, awaken higher consciousness, unlock your soul’s purpose and rapidly upgrade every area of your life…

VIBEUP + Dr. Cotton are working on online courses, events, and community systems to support our collective awakening into a new earth, starting with The New Human.

Dr. Michael Cotton is a leading theorist in the evolution of consciousness, culture, and the brain. As the director of The NEW HUMAN University™ and creator of the Higher Brain Living® technique, he has more than 30 years’ experience in personal and cultural transformation. Michael is now introducing, for the first time, Source Code Meditation™ and the 9 Summits of Transformation™. He holds a doctorate in Chiropractic. He lives in Chicago, Illinois.

Using our inner organic technology, we are awakening dormant energy and areas in the brain, to increase conscious with a daily home practice.

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