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Mindful : To be conscious or aware of something.
Com•mu•ni•ty : People gathering for a common purpose.
Rev•o•lu•tion : A forcible change in favor of a new system.
A Platform that requires action : WE are the CHANGE
3 Options > Please Plant a Tree With Us Every Month or Join for Free
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- Requested
3$Every monthPlant a Tree Every Month- Everything from Community, +
- We plant a tree each month for every Community+ member
- Trees are planted via our partner
- Please support our team growing the movement
0$Join the CommunityFree Plan- Join the mindful community of 1000s
- Access all pages, services, and resources
- Search, filter, message, and connect with others
Community+ Annual
27$Every yearSecure Launch Pricing + Plant a Tree Every Month14 day free trial- Everything from Community+ at special annual launch pricing